Improving Indoor Air Quality

admin, 21 January 2012, No comments
Categories: Health and Fitness
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In recent years it’s been proven that, despite smog and a host of outdoor
pollutants, indoor air quality in homes is actually often much worse than
outdoor air quality. This isn’t good news if you suffer from allergies or hay
fever, since indoor air is recirculated and any indoor contaminants will tend to
simply be wafted through your home again and again.

Improving indoor air quality is a challenge that involves several steps to
insure improvement in allergy symptoms, overall breathing quality and reduction
of symptoms like red, watery eyes and itchy skin. The American Lung Association
has confirmed that indoor air pollution, especially during summer months, can
increase the odds of asthma attacks, upper respiratory infections and colds.

Indoor pollutants include molds, dust mites, tobacco, smoke (from cooking),
pollen, and pet dander and pet hair. How do you get rid of or reduce these in
your home? There are basically three recognized ways to improve air quality in
the home.

Improving Ventilation

Any time you increase the amount of outdoor air that flows into your home,
you’ll improve the air quality (there was a reason our grandmothers loved to
throw open the windows and air out the house in the spring, they just didn’t
know it). If you have an air conditioning unit that has vent controls, open
these to allow air exchange when possible as well.

It’s especially important to properly ventilate the house when you are
painting or cooking. It’s not just that the fumes smell bad


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