Inoculate Yourself Against Negativity

admin, 14 October 2010, No comments
Categories: Success
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Unfortunately we come into contact with negativity everyday. We can’t avoid it. But we do not have to let ourselves be effected by it. So protect yourself from it.

If you travel to a foreign country, where you could possible catch a serious disease such as cholera, polio or malaria. Before you travel you get inoculated against it.

So how can you inoculate yourself against negativity?

Firstly, avoid as much media negativity as possible. Read newspapers and news channels that give you the facts, not hype and sensationalism. Avoid TV soaps. These programs are inclined to focus on the negative side of life. Watch educational programs, comedies, dramas and feel-good movies. Read books that stimulate your mind. All I am trying to say is avoid catching the negative disease as much as possible. Do not cut yourself off from the world just create a positive balance.

Secondly: Avoid, stop thinking and using negative thoughts.

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