Case Study: My Experience With Technology

admin, 30 March 2019, No comments
Categories: Clothing & Fashion

What are EMP Bags?

Transient electromagnetic disturbance is more popularly known as EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse. This is basically a short burst of electromagnetic energy but it is something that shouldn’t be underestimated. The origination of the pulse might be from a natural occurrence, it can be manmade and may occur as electric, radiated, conducted electric current or magnetic field which all depends on the source.

In most cases, EMP is creating disruptive or damaging interference to our electronic devices and equipment. At higher energy levels, powerful EMPs similar to lightning strike is more than enough to lay destruction to physical objects like aircraft structures, buildings and so on. The management effect for EMP is vitally important branch of EMC or Electromagnetic compatibility engineering. The truth is, EMPs today are weaponized in order to deliver the damaging effect it has to enemies.

This is when the Faraday cage was created. Actually, this was named after Michael Faraday and this is the type of device that is made intentionally to provide protection on the electronic devices from any kind of electromagnetic radiation. The cage functions by laying the non conductive and conductive layers that creates a shielding effect for items that are stored in the cage and also, to protect it from radiation. Despite the fact that it seems complicated, anyone can basically build their own Faraday cage by simply using an aluminum foil.

If you wish to learn how this can be done, then make sure that you follow the steps that are listed below:

Step number 1. Wrap your electronic device in plastic layer – find a plastic wrap or a plastic bag and use it to wrap your device or as storage. What this will do is establish a barrier between conductive aluminum layer and the device. It can serve as waterproof layer as well to get that extra level of protection.

Step number 2. Cover every inch of your device with aluminum foil – the reason to why this must be done is that, aluminum foil serve as conducting layer. Make it a point that the aluminum foil has no tears or gaps otherwise, it won’t be that effective. In molding the foil around the device, it is great if you’d use your hands. This is basically the first of 3 layers of aluminum foil.

Step number 3. Alternate the aluminum foil and plastic – you must cover every inch of your device with at least three layers of the aluminum foil. You can also maximize the protection by simply adding plastic layers in between every layer of the foil. By doing so, it is going to create an alternating layer of both conductive and non-conductive materials and protect your device from electromagnetic radiation.

Why not learn more about Bags?

Why not learn more about Bags?


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