Lessons Learned from Years with Services

admin, 28 September 2016, No comments
Categories: Pets & Animals

Animals Are Entitled to their Rights

Wild animals don’t kill for pleasure, but there are men who do.

In ages past, men and beasts intermingled freely. When man began to travel to other places, their savage ways became even more pronounced. The lion and the lamb lie together no more.

Any harm done to another is a bad thing and no excuse is acceptable. Do unto others what you want others to do unto you also applies to your brother-animals. Hindus moreover are taught to respect all living creatures, to love and serve them in the same way that they want to be treated.

Simply by observing animals, we come to realize their affinity with us, humans. Animals are just like any human – they can be happy and sad, peaceful and friendly, or mad, jealous, angry and vengeful. As fellow-creatures of the same God-Father, animals are our brothers and we men are morally bound to respect their animal rights. But we don’t follow God’s commands. In scientific researches, innocent animals are subjected to all forms of torture usually resulting to their death for the benefit of man.

Animals should have legal rights also and equal protection under the law. Because of their continued initiatives, some laws relating to animal abuse, illegal hunting especially of endangered species, trapping, trafficking and others are already in force, but more of these are needed.

Once found in large numbers, today, because of indiscriminate killings, there are much fewer lions, elephants, tigers and rhinos. Because of man’s ignorance and abuse, many animal species are now extinct. Because we are far more superior to other species, it is incumbent upon us, our God-given duty, to love and take care of all His creatures. Instead, we inflict all kinds of harm on animals in direct disregard of our avowed duty.

There are many instances. Since the very beginning, animals have worked hand in hand with men. Many billions of ants aid in decomposition, cultivate the soil and kill harmful pests and help in increasing crop yields. Bats, bees and various insects help to scatter seeds so that they can spread to other places. An added bonus offering by bees is honey. Goats and cows give us milk and cheese. Many plant varieties owe much to birds for helping them to grow and propagate. Dogs and cats serve as our pets and friends. Many species of dogs aid in police work, guide dogs assist the blind, the sick and elderly.

In recognition of the great benefits we enjoy through our co-habitation with our brother-animals, there are now much work done by many groups in the fields of wildlife conservation, animal protection and animal rescue, animal rights and the prevention of cruelty to animals.

Everyone is welcome to participate and help.

Researched here: her latest blog


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