Cures Tips for The Average Joe

admin, 06 October 2016, No comments
Categories: Health Care & Medical

Treating Male Impotence

Male impotence, or erectile dysfunction, refers to the inability to attain or maintain an erection sufficient for successful sexual activity. The male organ becomes erect when the arteries carrying blood to the organ widen allowing more blood to flow in, while the veins carrying blood away from it become compressed restricting blood from flowing out. Certain male hormones and nerves also play a role in initiating and maintaining an erection. Abnormalities associated with the proper function of these nervous or hormonal systems (caused by medication or disease), could affect a man’s ability to have and sustain an erection and/or experience an orgasm.

Erectile dysfunction may be the result of any number of physical and psychological factors. Classification of the disorder generally can whether it is caused by organic (i.e., due to a bodily organ or organ system malfunction) or psychogenic (mental) factors. Diseases, nutritional imbalance, trauma, surgical procedures or medications can affect erectile function by altering the nervous, vascular or hormonal system. A combination of these factors could cause erectile dysfunction.

Medications can help improve or restore the erectile function; with some men requiring more than one prescription (depending on the response and tolerance of the patient to various medications). Doctors, however, encourage sufferers to make lifestyle adjustments to help arrest the underlying cause of the condition. Changes could include improving eating habits, quitting use of tobacco products, moderating alcohol intake and getting regular exercise.

Aside from oral or topical medication, non-surgical treatments for male impotence include external vacuum devices, hormonal therapy, penile injection therapy, and intra-urethral pellet therapy. Many who contend with male impotence prefer not to discuss their sexual problems, but sex counseling helps in conjunction with these therapies. In several cases, an experienced urologist combines several of these methods. Surgical treatment like penile prosthesis is a possible option when none of these methods produce satisfactory results.

Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) achieved wide recognition as the first oral pill for effective treatment of male impotence. Sufferers of erectile dysfunction testify they are able achieve erections for successful sexual intercourse with the use of the drug. The drug, however, does not improve erections in healthy men; neither is it an aphrodisiac to help increase libido.

In addition to sildenafil citrate, there are now other drugs available. Tadanafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra), and avanafil (Stendra) work just like Viagra by prolonging the action of a penile enzyme that stimulates arousal, which in turn causes the erection. Studies have shown that Cialis can work up to 36 hours while Levitra can help sustain an erection from 4 to 16 hours. Stendra is known to take effect within 15 – 30 minutes and could be taken with alcohol.

Intake of drugs for erectile dysfunction, just like any medication is not without possible complications. The engagement of a qualified and experienced urologist is still highly recommended for proper diagnosis and treatment and administration of the proper medication dosage.


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