Finding Ways To Keep Up With Technicians

admin, 01 October 2016, No comments
Categories: Auto & Motor

Aircraft Maintenance for Best Performance

Aircraft owners or owners of airline companies should make sure that their aircrafts are subjected to regular maintenance and inspection so that the aircrafts perform well and are safe to use. Aircrafts are vehicles which are complicated, and you need professionals to do the maintenance work in several different ways so that you can be sure that all the parts of the aircraft can operate properly. Aircrafts should undergo all the different types of maintenance stated below.

The first type of maintenance is done on the mechanical structure of an aircraft which is its airframe. The fuselage, the wings, and the undercarriage make up the airframe. Airframe maintenance only involves the parts which constitute it and does not include other parts like the engine or the propulsion system. When the airframe in being maintained it involves work such as the inspection and replacement of winglets, corrosion prevention and control, aircraft painting, and landing gear replacement. In aircraft maintenance we also have what is known as the letter checks. When an aircraft has flown a specific number of miles, these letter checks which are detailed inspections done on the aircraft, are done to the aircraft. What these letter checks include are the cosmetic A and B checks, an intensive C check of all components and a D check which is done by dismantling the aircraft and reassembling it again afterwards. The more frequently done maintenance are the A and B checks, while the other two demands a lot of time although it is only done every few years.

One important aspect of aircraft maintenance is the maintenance of its engine. Your aircraft has a specific engine type so you need a mechanic who specializes in this engine type. There are many things involved in engine work. It includes a comprehensive engine testing, removal and reinstallation, and troubleshooting. The aircraft’s auxiliary power unit or APU also needs regular check and maintenance. This unit provides the necessary power that the aircraft needs to function other than propulsion. Your mechanic should also be knowledgeable in fixing the specific make and model of your APU.

Aside from these there are other aircraft components that need to be checked and, if necessary, repaired. Maintenance of these components include the following tasks: components removal and cleaning, application of compounds to prevent corrosion, parts lubrication, and replacement of damaged parts.

An aircraft performance is also dependent on its electronic systems called the avionics. When avionics is tested, the focus is on the navigation and communication equipment which includes GPS, radar, radio communicators, and computer systems. Rewiring and replacement of components parts is involved in the maintenance of avionics and which is also done by a mechanic with electrical engineering qualifications.


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