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admin, 03 September 2016, No comments
Categories: Software

Looking for an Excellent MongoDB GUI

Having a reliable UI is quite important in the development experience. A mongo shell really works fantastically for the administrative actions but when it comes to working with so many data, the UI gets important. There are various options if you choose the MongoDB GUI and there are those which are quite good. Here are some of the options that you may take into account if you want to go for what is recommended. Some of the main scenarios include the data visualization, presentation and editing. Usually, the mileage would differ on the scenario and perferences.

One option that you can go for is the MongoVue which is a desktop GUI which is for the windows platform. This has a simple but clean UI and you will be able to take advantage of the basic features that are for free. The data can also be presented in a text view, tree view or table view. Also, you can save your find queries for later usage and you will find this rather convenient. If you are interested about enjoying more features, then what you must do is to purchase a license. A good thing about this is that the software looks stable and also well-maintained.

The other option is the MongoHub which is a native Mac GUI for the MongoDB. This offers you the option to connect to the server via the SSH tunnel that is fairly convenient from the security perspective. You can also find a StatMonitor feature which provides you with a live display of the stats. However, the query interface is a bit restricted because it looks like it just supports the tree view. You don’t have the option to save the find query too. The software can work well but this should be properly maintained.

There is also that HTML-based MongoDB GUI which is known as the RockMongo. The GUI is in PHP and this is also an open source. Because of the reason that it is HTML-based, then you must know that this should be run in a PHP server. You can run the PHP server on your local box. The UI is quite easy to use and this can support various options to work with stats, collection as well as other things. However, the find interface simply shows the data in tabular or text form.

You can also find the RoboMongo that is a shell-centric GUI supporting various platforms. You may find support for connecting via SSH tunnel. A great feature with this is that it has support for the shell and this means that you can continue to use the shell commands which you find comfortable.


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