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admin, 30 March 2019, No comments
Categories: Software

Everything You Need To Know About The Terrors Of Nuclear Weapons And Why You Should Pledge Against It

Nuclear terrorism is the most serious danger the world is facing. Just imagine a million or more people dying from the explosion of a nuclear weapon having tornado-strength winds spreading flames that are much hotter than the surface of the sun itself. With a slim chance of having survivors, hospitals would become too crowded, there will be no electricity, no phones to contact their families and there would be no transportation. Furthermore, the the reverberating economic effects throughout the affected country and the world would come to several more times than a trillion dollars.

There are currently nine countries holding 16,000 nuclear weapons. This includes China, India, Israel, France, North Korea, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. The US, Russia, the UK, France, and China are members of the official owners club, who made their weapons early and had them legitimized in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) signed in 1968, the key piece of international law governing nuclear weapons possession. While Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea ignored the treaty and made their own bombs.

Primarily, there are two types of nuclear bombs use. The first being fission which is the process of splitting the nucleus of an atom into two or more smaller nuclei and are often referred to as atomic bombs. While fusion is the process by which multiple hydrogen nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus. Using both fission and fusion can result to hydrogen bombs or thermonuclear weapons.

Based on the material used, there are three types of nuclear weapons. They can be plutonium bombs, uranium bombs and hydrogen bombs. It is easy to design a uranium bomb but its material purified uranium-235 is hard to obtain. It is much difficult to design a plutonium bomb but its material: plutonium-239 is easier to obtain. Then we have the hydrogen bombs which are the most difficult to create since it requires either of the materials in uranium or plutonium bombs. It packs a more destructive power since it requires the joining of two lighter atoms such as hydrogen at extremely high temperatures to produce one heavier one such as helium.

Now that you know the dangers of nuclear weapons, you should take your first step in saving the people you love and all the other living things on Earth by signing for a pledge against it. There are pledges for no first use of a nuclear power not to use nuclear weapons as a means of warfare unless first attacked by an adversary using nuclear weapons. You can find many more pledges out there.

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