Dealing with Disgruntled Customers

admin, 06 June 2013, No comments
Categories: Customer Service
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No matter how hard you try, in business you simply can’t please everyone. You could have a highly trained customer service squadron and an award-winning product, but still you’d have some buyers who just weren’t happy. The bad news is that unhappy customers are more eager to share their experiences than happy ones which could spell disaster for your business.

There is good news, however. Unhappy customers who receive satisfaction can become your biggest allies. The trick, of course, is discovering how to satisfy their needs so efficiently that they’ll forget whatever caused their disappointment in the first place. Here are some ways to make that happen:

1) Be a Good Listener

When someone complains about us, our first instinct is to get defensive and to distribute blame. Most of the time we start doing this even before the other person has finished their argument. When that happens, we may misjudge the situation, offer inappropriate resolutions, or appear insensitive to our customers’ feelings. Instead, we must work hard to become patient listeners. We should stay focused on the customer and not get distracted by anything else going on around us.

We should also pay attention to what is being said, not how it is being said. Even a beligerant customer is trying to express a concrete complaint, he just might not be able to do it as clearly or as calmly as someone else. By listening patiently to our customers, we can take the first step toward helping them more effectively.

2) Don’t Let an Unhappy Customer Slip Away Without a Fight

Just because someone is unsatisfied with your service or your product, you don’t have to throw your hands up in the air and say


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